We've Got A Youtube Channel Now!

Small announcement here, we've got an official Youtube channel now! We will upload gameplays of featured games there from now on, mostly longplays and challenge runs of our favorite games, long or short.
Currently we only have Scoot Hard DX on the hardest difficulty with all endings and Raridoom Custom Edition on Nintendo Hard, where everything (Rarity included) dies in one hit, but more is surely to come (Looking at you, Fallout Equestria Remains).

RariDoom by Bahatumay – Doom With Changeling Genocide To Rescue Your Friends and Little Sister!

Raridoom, also known as Rarity vs. The Changelings, is a DOOM mod by bahatumay about Rarity rescuing her friends and her little sister from the changelings. The game originally began development back in... shuffles imaginary papers... 2012!.
Blud is COOKED 💀
Queen Chrysalis may have had evil plans in the past and gotten away with them, but none of those compared to kidnapping Rarity's friends and her little sister, Sweetie Belle! Slaughter the hive with an unexpectedly wide range of unique unicorn spells and...

Remember when this scepter was a meme? This game didn't forget!

...other interesting weapons.
Don't be fooled by the age and obscurity. The game's slow and steady development cycle may have caused it to go under the radar, but the quality and quantity of content it boasts speaks for itself! The game boasts 36 levels (including secret levels)! For reference, that is over twice as many as Scoot Hard DX, an equally awesome DOOM mod which we've featured before.
For technical reasons, we recommend playing Raridoom Custom Edition — yes, a mod of a mod — by Niko the Grunt. The mod (of the mod) adds more sound effects, fancier visual effects, and makes the game compatible with the newer DOOM engine. If you have no experience with DOOM mods and just want to just download and play, we packaged up the whole game for you here. Extract the archive, run gzdoom.exe, hit Play and get blasting! If the game does not boot, change the Options to use OpenGL.

Read further on for more information about the game.

Using ReShade to turn Legends of Equestria into a Gorgeous Game

Legends of Equestria is a great labour of the fandom which we have covered here many times before. It has certainly gotten way less attention in recent history, to the point of it being rather difficult to find players unless you join the official Discord Server or have some friends with you, but the game is still actively updated and alive to this day, even if only during events.
While the game has hours worth of content, quests, maps and unique areas which can take your days to traverse the entirety of — trust me, I have tried — it is not the most graphically stunning game. That's not any fault of the game, but it is not hard to improve it yourself using ReShade, a generic software which allows you to inject post-processing effects on your favorite games. The rest of the post will be displaying photos I have taken of the game using the shaders I've crafted. They turn the game into a stunning, serene experience.

All Pony Platforming Project Games Now (Actually) Functional + Last Demo of Minty Fresh Adventure 2 "Always the Bridesmaid"

A LOOOOOOOOOOOOOONNGGGGGGGGGGG time ago in a distant version of the My Little Pony fandom, there was a series of pony flash platformers known as the Pony Platforming Project. They have been broken on the arcade for... as far as I know... but thanks to a new Ruffle update, it is now trivially simple to host the games correctly without hacking them to Tartarus and back! Some have additionally received some extra content in the form of codes for custom levels for the level editor, or mentions of secrets most of you have likely never seen!
Additionally, we have added the last game of the series on the arcade, or at least the last working demo of it. Beware that despite this being a "new" game, it was released in... 2013! This game was intended to be the sequel to Minty Fresh Adventure as the title implied, with the addition of 2 other playable characters all with improved movesets and RPG elements. Alas, though that has not come to fruition, as the creator has long moved on to greener pastures, the series is now complete and fully playable on the arcade!