Arcade Spotlight: Pinkie Pie's Water Balloon Toss

This is a deceptively simple game. You play as Pinkie Pie and your goal is to get as many ponies wet as possible with a limited supply of water balloons in less than a minute, for some reason... (It's Pinkie Pie, okay?)
The further the ponies are, the faster they move and the more points they give. There is a perfect theoretical score of 40000, which can only be achieved by using up all of your water balloons on the pegasi at the very back without getting blocked by passer-by equines.
NOTE: Ruffle has a small issue with this game of only displaying "100 points" when you hit any of the ponies. This doesnt effect gameplay and is just a visual bug, as your score gets updated with the correct ammount in the end.
Knowing all that, my high score is...
I know I could decompile the game and cheat to get it and see what happens if you get it, but that's BORING. Take a shot at it! Can you get the perfect score?

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