Monday, 8 August 2022
EQG Game Catchup Post (LITE) - Mostly Racing Edition
Before we begin though and, for those who are curious, we still have a big backlog of games to cover, as well as a handful of horror/creepy titles that we'll save for Halloween. We also have a ton of FNF mods that we were hoping to merge into a massive compilation post when the game's new update came out, (but the update was not released on the date given by the FNF developers, and it's already been months with no word on when that's coming out) but we may have to publish the post early!
Something is happening at the Golden Oak Library.Join Spikey-Wikey to see what's up in this Luna Game inspired MLP fan game!

Blur: Equestria - Reveal Trailer
"Blur: Equestria is the first mlp fan racing game featuring real-life cars and a complex storyline. Blur: Equestria, in addition to being a crossover of the 2010 mariokart competitor "Blur," is set to be an arcade racing game featuring customizable vehicles, characters, and powerups that you can use during races such as firebolt projectiles, mines, shields, and nitro. In your race to the finish line, you'll need to use every powerup at your disposal. The story takes place six months after the events of season 9 and after the events of Blur. (see: Blur Unused Cutscenes). The Mane 6 now have their own vehicles, and they join forces with a street racing gang to preserve Equestria from the villains' increasing havoc and destruction.
We are currently looking for Developers, Voice Actors, Modelers, and Animators. If you're interested, please contact me on Discord at Sundrive#4787!"
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