Tuesday, 10 July 2012
MLP:Online Prepares for Pon-E3
MLP:Online's Announcement
With Pon-E3 coming up within a few short days our friends have been making preparations for their part in the event. However according to this thread it caught the MLP:Online team somewhat off-guard, as they just released the beta version of Episode 1 and didn't have too much for new content to show. In their desperate scramble to find something to do somepony suggested that they have a Q&Neigh session, as well as a discussion about interesting topics somewhat related to the game. This might sound kind of boring, but the thing is that all questions will be from the community and you can submit one yourself! Just go onto Twitter, ask @MLPOnline something and your question could be answered on their Livestream (I dunno where that is yet, they still have yet to announce that bit).
For some copypasta from their original announcement with more detailed information, continue on after the break!
For some copypasta from their original announcement with more detailed information, continue on after the break!
PART 1: Q&NeighWe're gonna be setting up our very own livestream where we answer your questions about anything and everything, be it the game, the way our team works, whether we like cereal at breakfast-time. Go ahead and ask!Get on twitter, write your question down with @MLPOnline somewhere in your tweet, and we'll be able to see everyone's questions. You have all week to come up with some great ones!PART 2: DiscussionWe'd also like to have a nice, in depth discussion for all of you to sink your teeth into. It could be the pros versus the cons of including a combat system in games, Designing games that stick to the show or deter from it in varying degrees, Specific difficulties when it comes to making pony games, whatever you want--make sure it's well thought out, and something you'd like to talk about. Let's hear from you!
In the comments below, give us your discussion topics. Are there two different sides to your topic? if so, list some pros and cons. Feel free to address other topics posted, whether or not they seem interesting to you and what you have to say. We want to know what interests you!
As a final note, I of course have to tell you that our livesteam is all in good fun. In the discussion portion especially, anything that is brought up will not necessarily be a part of our game. We just want to spend some time with our fans and share our thoughts. Can't wait to hear from you!
- Tuxxy
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