Sunday, 28 April 2024
Thank you for the submission(s)!
As you may remember, two weeks ago, we tried something new by asking you to show us your desktops and computers for a reader-submitted compilation post. The deadline was supposed to be last week, but we decided to extend it another week (now, I realize, without announcement!) to let more submissions build up.
Unfortunately, we remained with the sole submission from the first few days. But that is enough for me because I think it is AWESOME. Thanks, Erick!
Game development is hard, so we thought this would be a nice way to open the door up for everyone to be able to submit something with a bit of their soul and personal touch in it, without the time commitment of creating a game.
However, this doesn't mean the door has closed, if you get what I mean ^c^. I mean, I won't get upset if you... send your submission for this regardless.
However, this doesn't mean the door has closed, if you get what I mean ^c^. I mean, I won't get upset if you... send your submission for this regardless.